While Rose, investigating
the Doctor, went to visit a conspiracy theorist named Clive, Mickey
was captured by the Nestene Consciousness, which created a
living plastic facsimile of him to gather intelligence about the Doctor. Kept a captive by the Nestenes to maintain the duplicate,
he was overwhelmed by the revelation that alien life existed and was in a state of paralysed panic throughout most of the
Doctor and Rose's final confrontation with the Nestenes.
Mickey's initial
cowardice did not impress the Doctor, and when he offered to take on Rose as his newest companion, he pointedly said that
Mickey was not invited. While mere days passed for Rose in the TARDIS, a year had passed
in London when she returned in Aliens of London. In the interim she had been declared missing. Mickey was suspected of Rose's murder and interviewed on five occasions
but was not arrested due to lack of evidence. Mickey had also spent the year unearthing information about the Doctor and waiting
for Rose to return, taking over the www.whoisdoctorwho.co.uk website formerly run by Clive
(see Doctor Who tie-in websites).
Although still
dismissive of Mickey (deliberately calling him "Ricky" and terming him "Mickey the Idiot"), the Doctor had to rely on him
when the Doctor and Rose were trapped inside 10 Downing Street during the events
of World War Three. Mickey's actions in that story, bravely defending Rose's mother Jackie from the Slitheen and helping end the
alien threat, earned him a degree of the Doctor's respect. At the conclusion of the story, the Doctor offered Mickey a place
aboard the TARDIS but he declined, asking the Doctor not to tell Rose that he had done so. The Doctor in turn gave Mickey
a compact disc containing a computer virus that would wipe out
all mention of him on the Internet, but according to his website, Mickey is undecided as to whether to use it.
A younger (around
six years old) version of Mickey appeared in the episode Father's Day played by Casey Dyer, where he met the time travelling Rose in 1987, although he was not made aware of the role she would
play in his future. The present-day Mickey reappeared in Boom Town, where he told Rose that he had started dating Trisha Delaney, although whether this was true or merely to make Rose
jealous and return to him is not certain. Although he bitterly walked away from Rose at the end of that episode, he was willing
to help Rose get back to the Doctor in the 2005 series finale The Parting of the Ways.
Noel Clarke returned
as Mickey in the 2005 Christmas special, The Christmas Invasion, and has signed up for the 2006 season. According to SFX magazine and the producers' commentary on the DVDs, Mickey will become a regular companion, travelling with the Doctor
for at least some of that season