The Tardis falls to Earth on Christmas Eve. While the Doctor's regenerating, Rose is powerless to save the planet.
Whilst the doctor regenerates in Rose's flat, a third of the world are sent to roofs, ready to jump, by aliens called
the Sycorax. All Rose can do is hide in the TARDIS whilst the prime minister- Harriet Jones, and three other key political
people are teleported onto the Sycorax ship. The Sycorax find the TARDIS and teleport that up as well. But after
Rose makes a fool of herself giving a speech the doctor awakens and duels the Sycorax leader. He wins and gives the Sycorax
leader another chance- but when the doctor has his back turned the leader charges. But the doctor hsa it covered. They
are teleported back to Earth, and the Sycorax vow not to return. But that isn't enough for Ms. Jones, she destroys the ship
using Torchwood techology.
Grade (on a scale of 10): 8