The Doctor takes Rose home. But when a spaceship crash-lands in the Thames, London is closed off, and the whole
world goes on Red Alert. While the Doctor investigates the alien survivor, Rose discovers that her home is no longer a safe
haven. Who are the Slitheen?
The Doctor takes Rose home 1 year after she apparently disappeared. Jackie, Roses mum, is shocked and isn't sure what
to do. Mickey, Roses boyfriend doesn't know whether to be angry or happy at Rose returning without even a call whilst she
was gone. Whilst on Earth, an Alien ship crash lands in London, destroying Big Ben. The world is immediatley put on red alert.
With the Primeminister missing, the crisis soon scares everyone. The head of sugar distribution in England is made acting-PM
and talks about the emergency protocols with other head-people in England. Harriet Jones, the MP for Flydale North however
finds a deadly secret about these people. They are in fact Aliens from another planet that are using the bodies of humans
as disguises.
Meanwhile the doctor sits in Rose's flat helpless. That's until he decides to help out. He heads to the hospital where
the "alien" from the spaceship is taken. He finds out it is in fact a pig with some clever wiring. But the wiring is alien.
He makes his way for Downing Street, but finds himself being electrocuted by the aliens who call themelves the Slitheen...
(to be continued)
Grade (on a scale of 10): 9
Crash landing
Creating "Big Ben"
Up on the roof
Working in the lab
Is it alien?
At the ready
Stop that pig!
Outside Number 10
Slitheen strip 800 | 1024 |
No admittance 800 | 1024 |
Doctor takes charge
Doctor in hiding
Emergency action
Slitheen three 800 | 1024 |
Slitheen 800 | 1024 |
The Doctor
Mickey and Jackie
MP Harriet Jones
Step back