The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack have to fight for their lives on board the Game Station. But a far more dangerous
threat is lurking, just out of sight. The Doctor realises that the entire Human Race has been blinded to the threat on its
doorstep, and Armageddon is fast approaching.
When the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack find themselves in deadly gameshows, they try to escape the games without being
disintergrated or shredded. The doctor finds himself in a future Big Brother. He damages property on purpose to try and get
out of the house. But being evicted means being killed. But the doctor isn't killed. Someone wants him alive. Captain Jack
and the Doctor escape but when Rose tries she is disintergrated. With the Doctor being bitter, he angrily heads towards the
floor 500. For they are on gamestation, or as the Dr. calls it- Satellite 5. The human race didn't go back to normal like
it should have. When the doctor takes the staff of floor 500, he tries to work out what's going on. The Controller of the
station, a human wired into the systems, gives the doctor key information about the Bad Wolf Corporation and the people who
run the station.. Someone wants the Doctor. With the information given to him by the controller, he finds 200 ships. All Dalek.
They are holding Rose Tyler hostage, as it turns out the disintergrator beams are transmats. So what will the Doctor do? Save
Rose or the world? The Doctor decides on both, so the Daleks initate their defensive procedures- war.
Grade (on a scale of 10): 8