Beneath the Salt Plains of Utah, the billionaire collector Henry Van Statten holds the last relic of an alien
race. It turns out to be one of the Doctor's oldest and most deadly enemies.
A signal draws the TARDIS to 2012, Utah. But what is it. Rose and The Doctor are captured by Henry Van Statton, the owner
of the internet and an alien museum that holds just one living being. One of the Doctors worst enemy. A dalek. It is held
in place by chains and is tortured. But it just will not talk. Van Statton locks the Doctor in the cage holding the nightmare.
Luckily Henry V Statton lets him out, however performs painful experiments on him. Meanwhile Rose gets to meet Adam,
another Brit, who catergorizes all of the artefacts. He takes her to see the Dalek, where she feels sorry for the creature
d touches it, inadvertently giving it strength to break free. Before they know Henry Van Statton and the Doctor have a huge
problem. A deadly dalek on the loose with just one mission- extermination. Soon the dalek starts to experience human feelings,
after Rose touched it. At the end the dalek cannot take all of the human goodness inside him, so destroys himself.
Grade (on a scale of 10): 8
What is it?
Van Statten
The Dalek |
Voicing the Dalek
Preparing to shoot |
It's raining, Dalek |
Light on the subject
Dalek design
The bling Daleks
The Dalek creature
Dalek swatch sheet 800 | 1024 |